About I4N

Revolutionizing Andalusia’s Public Health with AI: The Innovation 4 Needs Project

Innovation 4 Needs” is a transformative digital platform tailored for the Andalusian Public Health System (APHS), aiming to revolutionize the Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) process. This project is designed to digitize and streamline the Early Demand Map (EDM) process, transitioning from a static and manual approach to a dynamic, AI-enhanced, and digital system.


1. Digital Transformation

To convert the current manual process of identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing healthcare innovation needs into an automated, efficient digital workflow.

2. AI-Enhanced Decision Making

Utilizing AI, particularly Natural Language Processing (NLP), to analyze workshop discussions and submissions, thereby aiding in the precise identification and structuring of healthcare innovation needs.

3. Efficient Evaluation and Prioritization

Incorporating an AI-assisted tool for evaluating and prioritizing projects based on pre-defined criteria, enabling quicker and more informed decision-making.

4. Real-Time Management and Tracking

Providing a comprehensive management dashboard for real-time monitoring and management of the entire PPI process.

5. Feedback Integration and Continuous Improvement

Regularly collecting user feedback for ongoing platform enhancement and ensuring the system evolves with changing needs.


Time Efficiency

Significantly reduces the time from needs identification to the implementation of PPI projects.

Enhanced Collaboration

Facilitates broader and more effective stakeholder engagement, fostering a collaborative environment for innovation.

Data-Driven Insights

Offers deeper insights into healthcare needs, enabling more strategic decision-making and resource allocation.

Environmental and Social Benefits

Reduces the environmental footprint of the traditional process and positively impacts public health services.

Expertise in AI and Digital Solutions

Sensomat brings a wealth of experience in AI, particularly in NLP, which is critical for analyzing complex healthcare data.

Proven Track Record in Healthcare Projects

A history of successful healthcare-related projects, demonstrating the team’s understanding of the domain’s unique challenges and requirements.

Adherence to Regulatory Standards

Proficiency in managing data securely and compliantly, meeting GDPR and other relevant regulations.


We are Expert in this field because…

Collaborative Approach

Sensomat’s commitment to a co-creative approach ensures that the platform is tailored to meet the specific needs and expectations of APHS.

Agile Project Management

Proficiency in agile methodologies, ensuring that the project is adaptable, with continuous integration of feedback and iterative improvements.

Dedicated Support and Training

Sensomat’s commitment to providing ongoing support and training ensures that APHS staff can effectively utilize the platform.

Join the Club

“Innovation 4 Needs” represents a significant step towards modernizing the healthcare innovation process within the APHS. Leveraging Sensomat’s expertise in AI and digital transformation, the project promises to bring about substantial time savings, improved decision-making, and enhanced collaborative innovation, all while generating sustainable income streams and ensuring compliance with the highest standards of data security and privacy.